We arrived in Austin around 2pm today and went straight to a houseparty put on by Shannon's friend Jay. Austin is really hot. We all were dehydrated instantly, and quickly switched from Lone Star (which is quite good) to water. Shannon knew five or six people immediately, and went about introductions and catching up. We ate some burgers, hung out, and eventually played in the living room of what's called "The Cue House." We were preceded by really loud hardcore band, which probably drew out a pretty intense set from us. The theremin worked. "Annette" almost came together. Shannon's old buddies (including some former bandmates) really liked it.
Here are Shannon and Clint during another set at the house party:

Shannon is definitely experiencing that strange feeling of coming back to someplace very formative, and seeing how things have continued -- largely unchanged -- without him. It's good and bad...and heavy at times.
The next stop was KVRX, the UT student station. We did an acoustic set, which was a huge relief, given that most of our sets have been really loud lately. We played with surprising finesse. I really liked it. I love knowing we can do that...
Now we're back at Rebecca's friends Del and Blair's house. Nice people, and a comfortable couch. I won't be online long.
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