Friday, March 13, 2009

All The Critics Love You In New York... know, of all the challenges rolled up in this tour, playing in New York City is what I found most terrifying. The logistics, really -- the driving, the parking, etc. We've played in New York and done well there before.

We managed to get there in five hours or so from Boston, which isn't bad, considering we left at 4:30 or so. Not too much traffic. The GPS got us there with remarkable alacrity and accuracy. We were met there by our old friend Michael Murphy, who helped us unload and showed us an easy place to park. Can't complain about that -- always a good guy. Here's Clint and Michael on the Lower East Side at around 9:45 at night.

The club itself was packed when we got there, but by the time we loaded in, grabbed some dinner at the Japanese place we usually go to, the place was nearly empty. Our friends Anna and Jane were there, along with a handful of stragglers...pretty quiet. The sound was good, and we played okay, but it was hard when there was such a small crowd. We had to make our own energy, and that isn't always easy or possible. The club took pity on us, though, and gave us gas money, and we actually sold a fair amount of merch...

Here's a pic Anna took of us playing...

From there, we ploughed outta there and hit the turnpike to Baltimore. We wound up in at a Days Inn in Bordenton, NJ. Nice place.

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