Friday, August 8, 2008

Forty-Five Friday: Alan Licht

Alan Licked (aka Alan Licht)
Calvin Johnson Has Ruined Rock For An Entire Generation
Eighteen Wheeler, 1994

...I don't delve into the used seven-inch bins at record stores all that much. In the northeast, at least, that usually means a ton of gutter-punk singles, that all look and sound pretty much the same....that said, today I found a few random platters at one store that were intriguing -- no more so than this one. The cover says it all, doesn't it? I actually don't mind Calvin Johnson, though I am seeing a lot of indie pop bands taking on his mannerism without his wit and soul...

As far as Alan Licht goes, I've had mixed success with his records. I liked his CD Sink the Aging Process, but his two-disk set New York Minute didn't do much for me. I should revisit it. I really enjoy his writing on music, like his short book An Emotional Memoir of Martha Quinn and the liner notes to Sink.

But I won't lie. I bought this one for the cover. I started to play it, and it sounded like a looped bit of guitar noise, but my wife made me take it off after the first minute. Still, great cover, right?

1 comment:

expediency101 said...

I submit that Calvin Johnson has neither wit, nor soul.

That is all.