Monday, March 23, 2009

Thank Yous

...a tour is a big project, like a record or a film. So there should be thank yous. And here they are...

First off, to Lisa, for supporting this endeavor even as it kept me away from home for a long time. Similar thanks to Brynn and Larissa for understanding.

To One Happy Island...being a band is like running a successful small business with a family member that you're married to. Of all the bands I've been in, this is the most natural and productive, the most intense yet effortless, the most charismatic and honest. It works.

Let's take it town by town...

New York: Thanks to Dave Godowsky for getting the gig, to Zach for following up, and to the club owner for helping us get down the road just a little bit. Thank you Anna and Jane for coming to support us. Thank you Michael Murphy for being the only NYC pop kid to make it out, and for supporting us since day one. We really appreciate it.

Baltimore: This show wouldn't have happened, nor have been nearly as delightful, without the help of our dear old friend Caleb Stine. Thanks for showing us your town -- it's a great one. Thank you Pete for sharing your wonderful venue. Thank you Car Phone and Jen for sharing your fans and Josh and Caitlin for lending your floor. Thanks to my family -- Bob, Rose, Scott, and Ron -- for making the trip, and special thanks to Scott for sitting in. We need to do that more.

Indianapolis: Indiana is the birthplace of Cole Porter, Hoagy Carmichael, and Eddie Condon -- but it will be forever linked in my mind with the Reeves. Thank you to all the Reeves family members who came out, especially Andy, Emily, Pauline, and Mike. It was so heart-warming to see everyone. Big thanks also to the nifty Heavy Hometown, to Brian and Aaron, and to the Lebanon Reporter. So nice to meet you, Jeff -- the other half of the legendary She Touched It.

Chicago: Thank you Jennifer and Martin for setting it up, to Very Truly Yours for bringing the sweet, and the Revelettes for bringing the sass. Thanks Jake and lil' Ratso for a truly memorable interview. Thank you Kerry Davis for giving us a cozy place to crash. Thank you Ron and everyone at the Dark Room. We hereby acknowledge the existence of Black Diamond Bay. Thank you, Anthony, for the photos and, more importantly, the friendship. Thanks to the Jazz Record Mart for being so dang awesome.

St. Louis: Thanks Matt, for setting it all up, and thanks to William for putting us in touch. Thank you Mustard Rob and Shitty friends for truly unforgettable sets and to She Got Ugly for wrapping it all up. Thanks to the nice folks at CBGB and Thai Basil. Rock on, arch.

Memphis: Thank you Dave for hosting us, to the Redmen for bringing the rock and the gear, and to the Buccaneer for the beer. Thank you, Elvis. Thank you very much.

Houston: Thank you to the Halbrook family for sharing your home (and your son). Being on the road is lonely, and having a friendly home to spend time in is so restorative. Thanks to Aila, Jim, and Sharon -- so nice to meet you. Thanks to the Mathletes for hooking it all up, and the Sound Exchange for being so cool (and for the Lenny Kaye LP).

Austin: Thanks to Del, Blair, and Julian for opening up your home to us. Thank you Jay for the gigs. Thanks to Gary and KRVX for a great interview. Big props to Michael at Waterloo Cycle -- please support them. So nice to see the Besties again. Thanks to all of Shannon's Austin pals: Scott, Clark, Mike, Jonathan, Sean, Brandi, and everyone else. Thank you Chris and Laura for driving out to see us. It's been too long.

I'm sure some more folks will come to mind...if I left you off, please know that I am nearly delirious with exhaustion. I will continue to augment this.

1 comment:

expediency101 said...

Thanks for the props, dear!